Some People Live's about time I started a blog.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Too Much Caffeine

You ever drink too much coffee? Not even good coffee, but the Starbucks crap with all the milk and sickly sweet sugary syrupy goo where they always get your order wrong and put whipped cream on top even if you said - very LOUDLY - no whip, and sure, while you're at it, why not give me a pastry/muffin/cake compressed ball of fat and sugar, and then halfway through the day when you start coming down you need more to keep going, and you don't want to leave the office, so you drink the lukewarm swill from the break room but there's no cream only that scary powdered artificial stuff, and you buy some M & Ms or Snicker's or Reece's Peanut Butter Cups or all of the above from the vending machine and gobble it down for that afternoon caffeine/sugar pick-me-up, but then all of a sudden it's midnight and you're wide awake, resigned to watching Late Night talk shows with stupid jokes and D-list guests you could care less about and then you finally wind down and fall asleep and then it's morning and the alarm clock is blaring and it's time to do it all over again with that first morning coffee and this keeps going on until you have red, bloodshot eyes with dark circles under them and constant bedhead and serious coffee breath, and you start to hear voices and swat at nonexistant flies and develop a rash and then your body finally breaks down and you literally have to sleep it off for a full day while taking copious amounts of aspirin to fight the searing caffeine withdrawal headaches.

You ever do that?